Saturday, January 30, 2010

In the Air (2009)

Viewed; 01/30/2010
Number of stars out of 10: 4 stars
Spoilers: May contain some spoilers

My husband and I went to the Regal Cinemas to see "Up in the Air". It looked like it could be a comedy. I had originally wanted to see "It's Complicated", but I let my dear husband convince me that "Up in the Air" was the better pick. The movie has its funny moments in the beginning. Most of the movie, captures the viewers interest and has you hanging as to what will happen. The end is what I think took my interest off the movie. Don't get me wrong, the movie makes its point. I can say that this aspect alone was well done.

The actors did a wonderful job in the story. It was the story line itself that disagreed with me. I am not one that needs to have a happy ending for my movies, but this just didn't capture my interest. If you saw this movie and thought differently, I would love to hear your thoughts. My personal thoughts is this is not the movie for someone looking for a comedy or uplifting kind of movie.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

Last viewed: January 18th, 2010
Number of Stars:
Family Friendly: Why yes

Since 1939, this movie has caputered its viewers. The movie brings the viewer the picture in black/white and color. The technology and special effects to children nowadays are simplistic, but the acting, music, and its connection to our culture will not be lost on the child. The story contains singing, dancing, magic, and gret lines to capture the interest of the viewer.

The music are songs that are heard often in our culture. Songs such as "Over the Rainbow" and "Follow the yellow brick road" are classics and probably will stayed tied to our culture and lexicon. The Blu-Ray allows for the viewer to see the vibrant color of the land of "Oz". The characters are loveable and believable. The Scarecrow that wants a brain, the Tin Man that wants a heart, and the Cowardly Lion are characters that are whimsical and loveable. They each teach a lesson as they search for the Wizard of Oz.

If you travel to Disney's Hollywood Studios, you will find a scene imbedded in an attraction called the Movie Ride. This ride takes you through various movies through the years. In the Movie Ride, they actually act out a scene from the movie, with a slight twist. If this movie wasn't a classic and well watched, it wouldn't have been made a part of the attraction.

The viewer isn't going to be amazed with technological feats since the year this was made was a ways back. The viewer will be delighted in the music, acting, and ties to an era when black and white was seen on most televisions. So if your child hasn't seen this movie, go out and rent it. There are some movies, that will aid the child with langauge and cultural connections.

Culture, language, and time period impact the movies created, but at the same point the connection that Movies have made into our language can also be witnessed. This is true even with "The Wizard of Oz." Examples being: Follow the yellow brick road.

The Princess and the Frog (2009)

Viewed: 01/08/10
Number of stars :5 out of 10
Spoilers: None

Bravo to Disney for returning to hand drawn animation. To much of the animation is computerized and lack the quality of the older animation films. The animation was at it's top notch and brought memories of "Sleeping Beauty" with some of the evil characters created. The movie contained magic in the form of vodoo. As all of the Disney animated movies of the past, the movie contained music,had animal and human connections, and a love story to tell the story.

I have always enjoyed the way that Disney pairs popular songs to the story and its combination. The music was nice, but didn't quite have the same quality and connection. Although, I hope that Disney continues to make more "old school" Disney animaitions paired with music.

The romance in the film had its charm and whimsical feel. The "ever After" appeal definately showed itself. The characters protrayed in the story were ones you could sympathize and connect with. We all have worked hard to achieve dreams and goals. Disney again shows its viewers that as long as you believe, and work for it, anything is possible.

The movie is a wonderful welcome return of the hand-drawn Disney animation I grew up to. I hope that they continue to mix their future movies with some more "old school" Disney animation.

Yes Man (2008)

Last viewed : 01/18/10
Rating ( 1-10): 6.5
Plot spoilers: Some
Family Appropriatness: This is definately not something you want your little children to watch. It has a bit of adult humor in it.

I saw this movie in the theatres with my husband. This movie went above my expectations. Jim Carrey is very talented as an overactor. From seeing his name attached to the movie, I gathered that there would be a few laughs in the movie. The movie had a cute little plot with Jim Carrey carrying the movie.

"Yes Man"reminds me of "Liar, Liar" but with a bit more adult humor and scenes thrown in. The boss or supervisor kind of reminds you of the coworker whom doesn't get the hint that you don't want anything to do with them socially and they are always coming up with some interesting get together ideas. I think all of us have bumped into one or two of those people. That connection, while annyoingly funny, brings the viewer into the movie a bit more.

The idea of a "new age" group with a philosophy of saying "yes" to everything. Reminds you of those cult like groups. It is also makes you laugh because it takes the typical things people expect from groups like this and place it into the film. It is the kind of thing that people fear walking into and are amazed at how many people walk around as if they follow the idea and concept to the "T".

The movie didn't contain any acts of violence, however, did have some sexual themes, nudity, and adult humor. The grandma neighbor was a very interesting addition to the movie. I found this humor a bit raw and while some may appreciate it's addition to the story, I felt was a little over done. The nudity at the end of the movie was hilarious and appropriate.

I don't feel this movie would have captured its viewers with any other actor. The character Carl needed an actor like Jim Carrey to bring the story to life. I believe I remember hearing that Jim Carrey and Robin Williams are bi-polar and that they use these highs and lows to help them in their stories. I say that is pretty brilliant and that if this is the case, that doesn't change my feelings about them as actors.

If your searching for a good movie, with lots of laugh, this is the movie for you. If you are wanting to have your 5 year old enjoy the movie, you might want to reconsider.

Happy Feet (2006)

Date last viewed: 01/17/2010
Rating out of 10: 9.5 out of 10

This is a wonderful family friendly movie. It is also educational, in that you learn the life cycle and struggles of the Emperor Penguin. I am a bit ashamed of Disney on this one. "Happy Feet" could have been produced by Disney. For some reason, they thought that a story about a tapping penguin would not capture its audience interests. Contrary to Disney's beliefs about the sucess of this film, another group gave the producers money and it was an instant hit.

The graphics, plot, actors chosen for the movie, and music make the film what it is. Mumble is a character that most of us can fit in. Most of us have something that makes us special and we might fear makes ourselves different than others. It is about being proud of what makes you special and loving yourself. This is always an important lesson and one that I think the children can see.

The movie was able to get a great cast of actors for the voices of the penguins. Robin Williams, Elijah Wood, and Nicole Kidman. The names of the actors probably brought the crowds out to check the movie. The very nature of a animated film with animals as characters probably would have brought people out to the theatres, but the names probably boosted the attendance to the theatres. The plot and music didn't need the actors to make this film a hit, they only aided it.

I definatley feel that there was the appropriate mix of music. The way they combined songs to tell the story of the "heart song" was well done. This is definately a soundtrack, I would love to get my hands onto. Watch the movie and listen to the music and give me your opinion.

There is a documentary called the "March of the Penguins". If you have seen both you can see the parallels and it is neat that these parallels exist. This movie is also an environmental wakeup call to remind us that our choices in how we treat our planet is impacting the survival of a unique species of creatures that rely on their habitat. This can be a conterversial issue, in that some people doubt the whole global warming problems or really don't care. I think it is still a good and meaningful lesson. For those whom have issues with this being place into a family oriented animated film, you don't have to watch it.

I hope that Kingdom Features Productions does more animated films like "Happy Feet". This is a movie that any age child can enjoy. I look forward to viewing more films like this. Like I said though, Disney probably regrets turning this film away.

The Muppets Christmas Carol (1992)

Last Viewed: 01/16/2010
Rating out of 10: 9.5 out of 10
Spoiler Alert: not really

"The Muppets Christmas Carol" is the best version of the "Christmas Carol". The portrayal of the story through music, characters, and setting make the story an enjoyable view. This movie is family friendly and doesn't contain violence. Prior to seeing the "The Muppets Christmas Carol" I had seen many versions of the "Christmas Carol". While I thought the stories were good, it wasn't something I pictured myself watching year after year, until I saw this version. I will admit, I watched it with the skepticism that this story would do anything different to me.

The music is beautiful. I finally got the soundtrack online for a reasonable rate. Look on E-bay if your wanting the soundtrack. Don't go to Amazon. They have 2 new ones for 99.99 dollars and 2 used for like 25 dollars. The soundtrack is no longer being sold in stores, which I find a shame. Just don't bother going on to Amazon. I'm not sure why someone priced a cd for 99.99. Who would bother paying for that, especially with Itunes being a click away.

The characters are entertaining and add a dimension to the story that I think other stories lack. Having Rizzo the Rat, adds to the narration. The humor is one that reaches children and adults. It is classic and sweet. There is nothing inappropriate. It is the humor and the characters that I look forward to seeing when I watch the movies.

The director did a wonderful job with assigning Muppets and people to Characters in the story. I've seen the Disney's "Christmas Carol" and I was a bit disappointed with their portray of some of the characters. I wonder what my opinion would be if I had seen that movie prior to viewing this version of the story.

If you are searching for a family friendly, Christmas film. Check this out. They have it on Cassette and DVD. If you get the DVD, watch the full screen (extended version). for some reason if you view the widescreen, they delete the one scene where there is a really good song performed by Scrooge's (ex-girlfriend). Just a tip. I've always watched movies on widescreen. We viewed it and I was confused why my favorite song and scene didn't show. So word to the wise, if you are viewing the DVD, make sure to view it in full screen.

I am hoping they release this in BLu-Ray and I hope with the additional space the disk provides that they don't delete the extended portion. I am not a 100% certain why they did that with the wide-screen format. My complaint is toward those whom made the disk and not the movie itself.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Blind Side (2009)

Viewed: 1/16/10 Rating out of 10: 9.5 out of 10
Spoiler Alert: Talk about characters, but no real details.

My husband and I went to Regal Cinemas for an evening presentation of the "Blind Side." It was neat to see the number of seats filled even after the number of weeks in the theatres. I guess rain has a way of drawing the numbers into the theatres. The characters and the actors playing the characters brought the story to life. It brought the necessary connection between the viewer and story. The character dialogue brought humor to the story and kept it light hearted, when some of the topics were not as light hearted and cheery.

My favorite actors and characters were Mike Oars and the Sandra Bullock character. I felt that the the two characters balanced one another out. Sandra Bullock did a wonderful job with the film. Her connection to Michael in the story felt real and made the movie a wonderful view. The contrast of two worlds, was also well done. I have spent time in both neck of the woods due to where I work. I know many in my line of work that will not do a home visit for a variety of factors. So the scene wasn't all that unfamiliar.

I recommend this movie to people who enjoy an uplifting story. I recommend it to those whom love a story that is based off real events and one that is heart warming. The movie will make you laugh, cry, and keep your attention from the moment it starts to the moment it ends. In regards to violence. There was a hint of a threat of violence, but it was pretty tame. No blood and nothing gory. I would say that a 13 year old would be able to go with Mom and Dad and enjoy. There is some language, but I don't believe it is excessive by any means.

Movie Goer's Introduction

I am a 27 year old married woman whose role in life is to teach. One of my many hobbies is watching movies and so does my husband. We have a tendancy to collect movies on DVD and Blu Ray. We also collect seasons of shows we enjoy. Our tastes are broad. My husband has created his own blog on movie reviews. I will post a link below eventually to his blog. You might find we share some thoughts about the movie and things that are different. I often say reading one view about a movie can be an eye opener, but two can be telling.

My promise to my reader is that I will place the word spoilers on movie reviews that may contain information that might go into more detail than what someone whom has not seen the film may want to to view. So sit back and enjoy.