Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Feet (2006)

Date last viewed: 01/17/2010
Rating out of 10: 9.5 out of 10

This is a wonderful family friendly movie. It is also educational, in that you learn the life cycle and struggles of the Emperor Penguin. I am a bit ashamed of Disney on this one. "Happy Feet" could have been produced by Disney. For some reason, they thought that a story about a tapping penguin would not capture its audience interests. Contrary to Disney's beliefs about the sucess of this film, another group gave the producers money and it was an instant hit.

The graphics, plot, actors chosen for the movie, and music make the film what it is. Mumble is a character that most of us can fit in. Most of us have something that makes us special and we might fear makes ourselves different than others. It is about being proud of what makes you special and loving yourself. This is always an important lesson and one that I think the children can see.

The movie was able to get a great cast of actors for the voices of the penguins. Robin Williams, Elijah Wood, and Nicole Kidman. The names of the actors probably brought the crowds out to check the movie. The very nature of a animated film with animals as characters probably would have brought people out to the theatres, but the names probably boosted the attendance to the theatres. The plot and music didn't need the actors to make this film a hit, they only aided it.

I definatley feel that there was the appropriate mix of music. The way they combined songs to tell the story of the "heart song" was well done. This is definately a soundtrack, I would love to get my hands onto. Watch the movie and listen to the music and give me your opinion.

There is a documentary called the "March of the Penguins". If you have seen both you can see the parallels and it is neat that these parallels exist. This movie is also an environmental wakeup call to remind us that our choices in how we treat our planet is impacting the survival of a unique species of creatures that rely on their habitat. This can be a conterversial issue, in that some people doubt the whole global warming problems or really don't care. I think it is still a good and meaningful lesson. For those whom have issues with this being place into a family oriented animated film, you don't have to watch it.

I hope that Kingdom Features Productions does more animated films like "Happy Feet". This is a movie that any age child can enjoy. I look forward to viewing more films like this. Like I said though, Disney probably regrets turning this film away.

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