Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Blind Side (2009)

Viewed: 1/16/10 Rating out of 10: 9.5 out of 10
Spoiler Alert: Talk about characters, but no real details.

My husband and I went to Regal Cinemas for an evening presentation of the "Blind Side." It was neat to see the number of seats filled even after the number of weeks in the theatres. I guess rain has a way of drawing the numbers into the theatres. The characters and the actors playing the characters brought the story to life. It brought the necessary connection between the viewer and story. The character dialogue brought humor to the story and kept it light hearted, when some of the topics were not as light hearted and cheery.

My favorite actors and characters were Mike Oars and the Sandra Bullock character. I felt that the the two characters balanced one another out. Sandra Bullock did a wonderful job with the film. Her connection to Michael in the story felt real and made the movie a wonderful view. The contrast of two worlds, was also well done. I have spent time in both neck of the woods due to where I work. I know many in my line of work that will not do a home visit for a variety of factors. So the scene wasn't all that unfamiliar.

I recommend this movie to people who enjoy an uplifting story. I recommend it to those whom love a story that is based off real events and one that is heart warming. The movie will make you laugh, cry, and keep your attention from the moment it starts to the moment it ends. In regards to violence. There was a hint of a threat of violence, but it was pretty tame. No blood and nothing gory. I would say that a 13 year old would be able to go with Mom and Dad and enjoy. There is some language, but I don't believe it is excessive by any means.

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